Témy, PhD. štúdium (iba denná forma), politológia, ak. rok 2016/17/ For academic year 2016/2017 we invite applications for following funded PhD studentships
- PRIVATIZATION OF WARFARE AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE, Information enquiries should be made to Doc. Jozef Bátora,PhD., jozef.batora@gmail.com
- THE POLITICS OF SURVEILLANCE, The candidate will participate in the ongoing research in the field of surveillance in democratic societies. Projects about the development and impact of surveillance in various domains (e.g.security, consumer, welfare, intelligence, employment, education) will be considered. Information enquiries should be made to Doc. Erik Láštic, PhD., erik.lastic@uniba.sk
- EXEKUTÍVNA MOC V STREDNEJ EURÓPE: Politickí lídri, stranícky kontext a koaličná politika v komparatívnej perspektíve, Doc. Marek Rybář, PhD., kontakt: marek.rybar@uniba.sk
Externá forma/ Non-Funded
LÍDERSTVO V MEDZINÁRODNÝCH VZŤAHOCH/ LEADERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Information enquiries should be made to Doc. Jozef Bátora,PhD., jozef.batora@gmail.com
Viac informácií o prihlásení nájdete tu. Prihlášky sa podávajú medzi 1/05/2016 a 31/05/2016. Applicants must apply for the PhD program at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University between 01/05/2016 and 31/05/2016. / More information is available here. The deadline for full consideration for the program is 31/05/2016.